Get Involved!

There are many ways to get involved. Please participate to ensure your values and vision are reflected in the Thousand Oaks 2045 General Plan. Your involvement is greatly appreciated and essential to our success in guiding the future of our City.

Share your thoughts


Your input is very important and what we hear from you will be used to prepare a General Plan that truly reflect’s the community’s vision and values. You may use the comment form here to share your thoughts.


Sign up for email updates


Sign up and get the latest updates on Thousand Oaks 2045 General Plan Update in your inbox. We’ll only send you emails about the General Plan Update and we will never share your email address with anyone else.



Follow us on social media


Please follow us and join in the Thousand Oaks 2045 discussions on Twitter and Instagram.


Attend a meeting or event


Find us around the City or watch and participate during a Zoom meeting.

Upcoming events

Invite us to your meeting or event


The Thousand Oaks team is available to attend your meeting or event in-person or online to talk about the General Plan Update process. Please email us at to submit your request. A member of our team will contact you to gather additional information.


Complete online surveys


Interactive online surveys will be posted on this website and administered to provide convenient access to the planning process.


Talk to your neighbors, friends, and colleagues


Spreading the word about the General Plan Update efforts and engaging in conversations helps to bring forth new ideas and bring more people into the General Plan Update process.