Community Forums

Community Forums will provide an opportunity to delve deeper into key topics and share insights on the latest land use, circulation, development changes, and market trends affecting Thousand Oaks and the region.

Forum 1 | The Happy City

October 2, 2019

The first forum focused on developing a vision for a happy livable city, Charles Montgomery, award-winning author and leader in city planning, provided a presentation on his book, Happy City, and led a discussion for the General Plan Update. Insights from this forum will shape the vision and guiding principles for the General Plan Update.

Forum 2 | The Math of Smart Growth: Why We Can’t Afford to Keep Building the Same Way

January 29, 2020

The second forum focused on the relationship between development and community economic health. Joe Minicozzi presented on an approach to planning and city design called Geoaccounting with case studies from across the United States.