Existing Conditions Reports

Existing conditions reports document the state of Thousand Oaks at the start of the General Plan Update process. As a snapshot of where the community is now, they provide a framework for establishing a vision of the future. The reports also establish Thousand Oaks’ functional and environmental baseline, against which proposed changes will be measured and compared.

Arts & Culture

Arts and culture play many and varied roles in the development of a vibrant community for residents, workers, and visitors. This report presents a summary of the existing conditions of the arts and cultural life in Thousand Oaks and presents key opportunities for cultural development policies for the General Plan Update.

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Demographics & Economics

This report provides context for key socioeconomic, demographic, and market indicators and trends. It evaluates current market conditions, contextualizes current performance, and illustrates potential implications for the future of Thousand Oaks.

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This report provides a summary of Thousand Oaks’ cultural resources including historic landmarks; natural resources including water and water quality, plants, trees, wildlife, endangered species, and open space; utilities and public services; hazards and emergency mitigation; noise; air quality and greenhouse gases; and climate change resiliency.

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This report provides an analysis of the effectiveness of the 2014 - 2021 Housing Element, appropriateness of goals, and the progress in implementing programs for the previous planning period as required by State law. The report also includes an evaluation of the appropriateness of continuing the 2014-2021 Housing Element goals and programs in the new 2021-2029 Housing Element.

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Land Use & Community Design

This report provides an overview of the existing land use pattern in Thousand Oaks, including zoning, General Plan designations, and current development. It summarizes key plans and policy documents that will impact and inform the General Plan Update. The report also reviews the urban form and design characteristics of the built environment.

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This report provides a summary of existing transportation conditions in Thousand Oaks to better understand how the City’s various transportation elements serve the community. This review of existing transportation conditions provides an understanding of existing issues and opportunities to address during the General Plan Update.

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Public Health & Equity

Health “equity” is achieved when every person in a community has a just opportunity to reach their optimal social, physical, and mental well-being at all stages of life. This report presents a broad overview of health challenges and opportunities in Thousand Oaks, including chronic disease prevention, mental health, physical activity, and safe and healthy housing. It also assesses the presence of “disadvantaged communities,” as defined by in Senate Bill 1000 (Environmental Justice).

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